
ホーム 店舗案内 仕入商品の紹介 お取り引きの流れ 企業間取引 特販部長おすすめ ここがスゴい!タカギさん!! 京都・宇治茶の卸 菓子卸・駄菓子卸 飲料卸 食品卸 珍味・おつまみ サニタリー・日用雑貨 販売促進用商品 関西京都限定 会社概要 お問い合わせ サイトマップ リンク 個人情報保護方針 当サイトのご利用について



Takagi-Oroshi company was established in 1929 as confections wholesaler store.
We are warehouse-type synthetic food wholesale company with large selection and reasonable prices.
We buy directly from manufacturers a large mount of products and sell it in reducing distribution margin costs as low as possible, in addition aim a new style distribution with Pridefulness of wholesale dealer different from distribution such as supermarkets.
We have a wide variety products for Lagniappe, Premiums for Restaurants, Companies and Communities, and they come and buy them.
Recently, We could be a company can supply all products you need for not only retail stores and supermarkets but also necessary for an event of Neighborhood associations, kindergartens, vocational schools, employee trip, summer festivals, Jizo Bon festival (Traditional festival in Kyoto), athletic meetings, school festivals, and bazaar. We can sale for products of food, snack, liquor, drink, ingredients, frozen food, rice, daily necessities, cigarettes for business or personal, corporate enterprises,advertising agencies, and travel agents. We are keeping the mind quickly response! And Endeavoring to create a quote, and send a sample as soon as possible. We have top of achievements of dealing in confections and gifts in Kyoto.


Message for customer that trade foreign countries

Products for foreign countries.

We are merchandising a lot of products which produced by Japanese maker, are popular in a foreign country.
Especially Those which are Japanese Daily necessities, Snacks, Drinks in high demand in many countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines).
When they come to Japan, a lot of products are bought by them, as souvenirs.
Therefore, transactions in our company is increasing by exported to foreign countries.
Our store is like Obvious Exhibition hall.

You can see 4,500 over products immediately in our big store. Our special sales staff can explain about these products with you.
We have the logistics warehouse next to the head office to meet expectation of customers, especially sudden requests, with 80,000 cases stocks.
If you contact in advance, we can prepare samples of products that you requested.
Handling 1,000 Cartons

Without saying, We are treating the many kind of product. In addition, we can wholesale some kinds of product in large quantities.
For example, you can order 1,000 cases each, for example, AGF Blendy coffee beans, bottles of POCARI SWEAT, NISSIN DONBEI NUUDLES.
The other companies can not imitate this style. This special sale division is the originality of our company. We aim a new style distribution with pridefulness of wholesale dealer which is different from such as supermarkets.
※If we have duplication of order and productions are shortage, we might can’t provide soon.
Product shipment (Delivery)

We have a logistic warehouse to provide speedy even if you ordered a lot of products and urgent request. If customer want to be delivered products for Kyoto, Osaka or Shiga prefecture, we will transport them by our own trucks.
※It is restricted to arrange for main trade ports in Japan. We do not process direct shipment to foreign countries.
Procedure for business

  • Send mail to info.takagi064@takagi-064.com
  • Confirm meeting space and time of business talk
    We can process to Dispatch!In usual, We will have the business talk in our office. If there is around the neighborhood, we can visit your office.
  • Business talk (About contents, condition and estimate)
    You can confirm an actual products!
    The presentation of the estimate of the product which wants to be performed the confirmation of business contents and the condition, the handling of at the time of a business talk.
  • You’ll consider this conditions. If you agree, we will start the dealings.

・Canned food
・Household items
・Fresh vegetables
Message from HOSOI director of special sales division.

I always trying to make clients satisfied. I want to bring our customers good luck with our product. We will correspond completely unreasonable demand of customer in good faith.
Vision of Takagi’s company

【Company policy】
Trust first
Challenge Takagi’s tomorrow target with high motive,
Think outside the box
Exhaustively consider how we can, before speak reason why we can’t do it
Keeping high level critical mind
Maintenance of the status quo is retreat, always keep the breakthrough of mental status
Action with social contributions
Grow and Develop with the community


【Corporate philosophy】
We always keep sincerity, keep our private, and public life with regard harmony as important
We always keep a fairness and work with modest heart
We always adapt change of time and make a distribution revolution with flexible mindset
We always think about reducing cost of operations system


【Business model of our company】
We desire prosperity of customer, keep originality of our style that other company can’t do like our methods, keep operation with Pridefulness of wholesale dealer, and keep progressing every day.
お問い合わせ BtoB 求人
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